- Overall coordination & medical direction
Administrative direction
- Nurse executive
Internal Medicine
This pertains to prevention, diagnosis and care of adults with general illness, disease and injury. Specific treatment of internal organs and body systems, not usually treated by surgery are also addressed here.
Internal Medicine
This pertains to prevention, diagnosis and care of adults with general illness, disease and injury. Specific treatment of internal organs and body systems, not usually treated by surgery are also addressed here.
Services offered
Complete evaluation, diagnosis and management of patients through OPD services, strong back up from laboratory and radiology departments. Indoor services where the physician's opinion and consultation is also available round the clock.
Laparoscopy is a commonly performed procedure to examine the abdominal or pelvic organs. Investigations and some keyhole surgery procedures can be performed with laparoscopy.
Laparoscopy is performed to investigate or diagnose a range conditions. It may be used to
Investigate the cause of abdominal pain (e.g. a possible
Investigate the cause of gynaecological pain (e.g. endometriosis).
investigate the cause of infertility.
monitor the effects of infertility drugs on the ovaries.
Laparoscopy is also used to provide a view for surgical procedures such as
removal of the appendix or gallbladder.
removal of an ovarian cyst.
sterilisation in women.
Our Division of Neonatology offers comprehensive neonatal diagnostic and treatment facilities for critically ill newborns. It also is a multidisciplinary research unit, dedicated to providing the highest quality care for all newborns, ranging from healthy neonates to sick or premature newborns requiring close observation or intensive care.
Treatment of New born babies with the following problems
Low birth weight.
Hyaline membrane disease.
Congenital pneumonia.
Persistent pulmonary hypertension
Respiratory distress
Birth asphyxia
Necrotizing enterocoloitis
Neonatal seizures
Bleeding neonate
Newborn with anemia
Newborn with polycythemia
Neonatal jaundice requiring phototherapy or exchange
Facilities provided
Surfactant administration
Invasive Blood pressure monitoring
Invasive CVPM monitoring
Central long line
Total parental nutrition
Managing babies with shock
Neurological assessment and proper follow ups for